E-Bike Rebate Program

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The Town of Banff is collecting information about the 2022 e-bike rebate program to better understand the impact the rebate had on the community and the possibility of extending the program beyond 2023.

The goal of the rebate is to incentivize residents to travel by bicycle rather than motor vehicle whenever possible, and e-bikes were selected for rebate due to our hilly community and because regular bicycles can be purchased for very low costs in Banff at the Rummage Sale, from Community Cruisers or local resale.

The Town offered a rebate worth a percentage of the purchase price of an e-bike, up to $750, and the rebate is only available for e-bikes with a purchase price of under $5,000. The rebates are funded entirely from Visitor Pay Parking revenue.

A total of 117 e-bikes were purchased with rebates totalling almost $80,000.

We would like to hear from people who use e-bikes and people who do not use an e-bike to help administration and Council determine if the e-bike rebate program should be extended beyond 2023 and other changes. Along with public opinions, factors being considered include financial, social, safety, cost-of-living and environmental considerations.

The Town of Banff is collecting information about the 2022 e-bike rebate program to better understand the impact the rebate had on the community and the possibility of extending the program beyond 2023.

The goal of the rebate is to incentivize residents to travel by bicycle rather than motor vehicle whenever possible, and e-bikes were selected for rebate due to our hilly community and because regular bicycles can be purchased for very low costs in Banff at the Rummage Sale, from Community Cruisers or local resale.

The Town offered a rebate worth a percentage of the purchase price of an e-bike, up to $750, and the rebate is only available for e-bikes with a purchase price of under $5,000. The rebates are funded entirely from Visitor Pay Parking revenue.

A total of 117 e-bikes were purchased with rebates totalling almost $80,000.

We would like to hear from people who use e-bikes and people who do not use an e-bike to help administration and Council determine if the e-bike rebate program should be extended beyond 2023 and other changes. Along with public opinions, factors being considered include financial, social, safety, cost-of-living and environmental considerations.

Page last updated: 03 Jan 2023, 08:41 AM