Business / Organization Survey

This survey is to be completed by a manager or owner of a business or organization in Banff that employs staff who are parents or caregivers of children aged 12 or under.  

Please have one representative complete this survey on behalf of your organization. The survey will take approximately 3 minutes. All responses are confidential and results will not identify any business.

Completing this anonymous survey will help create an informative and actionable Childcare Needs Assessment in Banff. 

Survey closes January 12, 2025.

Privacy Statement

Any personal information provided in this survey is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act, Section 33(c). The information and opinions you provide will be shared only in aggregate form with no connection to individuals or specific organizations and will be used for planning purposes around the Childcare Needs Assessment. No personal information will be shared with anyone outside the Town project team. If you have any questions regarding the collection and use of this information, please contact the Town of Banff Director of Communications at: or 403.762.1207.


How many staff members does your business/organization employ?


Please indicate the type of sector for your business/organization.


Is it difficult to fill any of the following shifts due to staff not finding childcare availability at those times? (Select any that apply)


Is it difficult to fill certain shifts due to the cost employees must pay for childcare?


Do you find that the childcare needs of the staff you oversee have an impact on the times of day that those staff are available?


Do you find that the childcare needs of your staff have an impact on the days of the week they are available?


Is access to childcare (or lack thereof) affecting your ability to attract and/or retain staff?